Marketing content specialist

Concise, compelling content that breaks through the noise has always been a valuable tool in helping business owners and leaders gain a vital competitive edge.

You have only seconds to ensure your message resonates with your audience and drives their purchasing decision.

The quality of your content is just as important as the quality of your offer in getting your audience to “yes.”

Imagine working with an experienced journalist and content specialist who saves you time and money while providing the language that will ring true with your target audience. I have written numerous communication pieces including newsletters, web content, business proposals, print ads and marketing brochures for numerous industries. Each project is unique and I ensure your offer stands out in a of world clutter and copy-cat communication approaches.


Marketing content specialist FAQs

As a marketing content specialist, what is your process in working with a new client?

I first obtain a clear understanding of your business or service communication goals and then help you identify unique messages that will reflect your brand. We then identify the content vehicle, (brochure, website, newsletter etc.). I will provide an estimate and once approved, I will begin work. I typically provide two drafts as part of my estimate.

Do you draw on Artificial Intelligence (AI) when creating content? If not, why not?

As a writer with decades of experience, I believe the most compelling content comes from the information provided by the client, which I interpret into words that reflect them on a bespoke, personal basis. AI cannot capture the unique message(s) that each client needs to convey to be heard and understood.

As a content specialist, do you have access to graphic designers and other skilled professionals on whom you can draw?

Yes, in my business marketing content development often includes speech writing, video scripting, graphic design and other visual forms of communication. I work with established professionals in all of these areas to provide a full marketing content development experience.